Bovine trichomonads shall be examined by microscopic native preparation and culture of bovine prepuce and cervicovaginal swabs, rinses or effusions from cows and heifers placed in sealed tubes containing lukewarm sterile saline (3-10 ml).
Samples must be stored at 20-25°C, protected from light.
The LABORATORY must ALWAYS be notified at least 1 WORKING DAY in advance of samples being sent for trichomonad testing so that testing can begin on the day of collection. For larger numbers of samples (>10), the laboratory should be notified at least 3 working days in advance. When using our collection lines, prior arrangement with the collection line manager is required. All contacts are listed below under the "Contacts" tab.
T. foetus testing is subject to the Animal Health Control and Vaccination Methodology.
Samples should be sent with a completed application form, including your email address and telephone number. The application form can be downloaded here under the "Downloads" tab.