
A parasitic disease of dogs caused by the parasite Babesia canis, which causes anaemia and is transmitted by ticks of the genera Dermacentor and Rhipicephalus. 

Babesiosis - caused by the parasite Babesia gibbsoni - is a parasitic disease that causes haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, lethargy and enlargement of the pancreas. It is transmitted by ticks.


Testing options:

  • serological testing - NIFR
  • virological testing - PCR

In the context of the Europe-wide IFAT antigen shortage, we offer alternative testing methods. Please contact us if you are interested.

Thank you for your understanding.

Virology and serology

MVDr. Roman Masopust
+420 770 118 901

Molecular biology

RNDr. Alexander Nagy, Ph.D.
+420 770 118 897

Information and Results

Ester Kučerová
+420 251 031 302


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