NRL for Escherichia coli

16. 6. 2020

National Reference Laboratory for Escherichia coli

With effect from 30 April 2020, the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Escherichia coli was approved at SVÚ Praha (the State Veterinary Institute) by the Ministry of Agriculture .


The NRL for E. coli pursues diagnostic and consulting activities in the sphere of infections caused by the Escherichia coli bacteria in animals and in foodstuff. The NRL provides its activities in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, cooperates with EURL (EU RL for Escherichia coli, including verotoxigenic E. coli VTEC, Roma, Italy) and manages the official laboratories. The main activity is cooperation in the preparation and implementation of methodological instructions by SVS (State Veterinary Administration) defining the rules for regular microbiological examination of zoonoses agents performed by the State Veterinary Surveillance within enterprises in accordance with Ordinance No 356/2004 Coll., on monitoring of zoonoses and zoonoses agents.

The methodological and diagnostic preparedness is annually verified by participation in international comparative testing organised by the EU Reference Laboratory. The NRL organises interlaboratory testing for the detection of significant serogroups and genes for the production of Shiga toxins 1,2 and intimin for official laboratories within the Czech Republic.

The NRL operates within a quality control system and is accredited under ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018.

Microbiology - smears, JUT, staff. enterotoxins

MVDr. Ivana Chytilová
+420 770 118 998