Infectious bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis is a highly contagious disease caused by coronaviruses that affect the respiratory or urogenital tract of poultry. The disease is widespread worldwide in many serotypes and variants. The acute course of the disease in young chickens and broilers is characterised by signs of respiratory distress such as difficulty in breathing (tight head, open beak or gasping), coughing and sneezing, swelling of the head, conjunctivitis. Mortality in young birds can be up to 30%. In laying hens, the disease is mainly manifested by reduced egg production and poor egg quality (e.g. watery white, poor shell quality), while respiratory symptoms are milder.  If infected with a nephropathogenic strain of IB virus, kidney damage may also occur.


Testing options:

  • serological testing - ELISA, identification of variants/serotypes using HIT
  • virological testing - RT-PCR

Suitable specimens for virus detection by RT-PCR: oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs, organs (trachea, kidney, cloaca, lymph nodes).


Virology and serology

MVDr. Jitka Horníčková
+420 604 917 488

Molecular biology

RNDr. Alexander Nagy, Ph.D.
+420 770 118 897

Information and Results

Ester Kučerová
+420 251 031 302


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