
Trichinellosis is a serious parasitic disease transmitted from animals to humans by the food route - ingestion of Trichinella larvae (muscle worms) through raw, undercooked meat or meat products. It is similarly transmitted between animals by eating meat from an infected individual. Our accredited laboratory carries out muscle testing by the ingestion route.


Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease classified as a zoonosis, a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. It is caused by a nematode of the genus Trichinella. The genus includes 12 different species and genotypes. Trichinellae infect a wide range of hosts (> 150 species) from mammalian, avian and reptilian groups with a wide geographical distribution. Trichinellosis is characterised by the presence of Trichinella larvae in skeletal muscle. Transmission from animals to humans occurs after ingestion of raw or undercooked meat or meat products. Ingestion of meat from an infected person also spreads between animals.

While trichinosis in animals is often without serious symptoms, in humans it is one of the most painful and, in extreme cases, fatal diseases. In Europe, trichinosis still occurs in humans, but a number of measures have led to an overall reduction in the number of infections in EU/EEA countries. The last deaths from trichinellosis in our area occurred in the 1950s. In Europe, trichinellosis still occurs in both wild and domestic animals.

In the Czech Republic, trichinellosis has not occurred in domestic pigs for a long time, but in wild animals (wild boar, red fox or badger) it is recorded almost every year with the species representation of Trichinella britovi, T. spiralis or, more rarely, T. pseudospiralis.

Due to the above-mentioned risks, all domestic pigs and horses slaughtered in slaughterhouses, as well as wild boars caught and imported into our territory, are subject to compulsory testing for the presence of FMD. In the case of feral pigs, red foxes and raccoon dogs, this test is paid for by the State, provided that all the requirements of the Animal Health Control Methodology and the vaccinations ordered for the year have been met. In the case of other requirements (e.g. badgers, nutria), the customer pays for the test.

Our accredited laboratory performs muscle testing by the reference method - testing of bulk samples by the digestion method using a magnetic stirrer, in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1375/2015. The principle of the method is based on mimicking digestion, where muscle cells are dissolved by the action of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, releasing larvae which are then detected in the sediment using a trichinoscope and microscope. The results are sent electronically by e-mail.


Results of Trichinella tests
251 031 286


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