Diagnosis of internal parasites (endoparasites)
For the diagnosis of internal parasites from faeces (coprological examination) in dogs, a qualitative examination using the concentration flotation-centrifugation method, known as flotation, is standard, which, together with subsequent microscopic examination, allows the detection of coccidial and cryptosporidial oocysts, giardia cysts and/or helminth eggs.
Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of specimens of expelled endoparasites or parts thereof (e.g. tapeworm cells) may also be part of the intravital diagnosis of internal parasites.
Diagnosis of external parasites (ectoparasites)
Skin scrapings, fur, ear swabs or the contents of sebaceous glands and hair follicles are examined microscopically for the presence of ectoparasites, either by native examination of the sample or by maceration in NaOH.
Samples for parasitological examination should be sent together with a duly completed application form, including your e-mail address.