Taylorella equigenitalis (IMK/CEM)

Infectious mare scouring/infectious mare metritis is caused by the bacterium Taylorella equigenitalis.

Identification is by culture followed by MALDI-TOF and PCR confirmation or directly by PCR.

Swabs must be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours of collection!


Contagious equine metritis (CEM) is a transmissibles disease characterised by mucopurulent to purulent inflammation of the uterus, cervix and vagina without clinical signs. The disease manifests itself a few days after admission, most commonly in 1 to 2 weeks. The occurrence of prolonged estrus and non-mating may also indicate the course of this infection. Early embryonic fetal demise may occur in mares. No clinical signs of genital disease have been observed in infected stallions. Mares may also be carriers of the infection without clinical signs of disease.

Sampling according to the method of animal health control and ordered vaccination


MVDr. Ilona Parmová
+420 770 118 908


MVDr. Eva Patrasová
+420 770 147 408


Typ souboru Název Velikost
General application form 0,1 MB Stáhnout
General application form 0,4 MB Stáhnout


What specimen material can I use?

Swabs for examination by the culture method must be stored in activated charcoal medium (Amies). Swabs can be ordered from SVU Prague (20 CZK/piece).

Swabs for direct examination by PCR must not be stored in activated charcoal medium (Amies).

Swabs must be sent to the laboratory within 48 hours of collection!

How long does the examination take?

The culture method takes at least 7 days.