Campylobacter fetus - genital tract

Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis causes the sexually transmitted disease genital campylobacteriosis in cattle.


Transmission is mainly through natural breeding, but there is also a risk of spreading the disease through artificial insemination.

In bulls, Campylobacter fetuses are found on the foreskin, glans penis and distal part of the urethra without causing pathological changes. In the cow it infects the vagina, cervix, uterus and oviducts. Here it can cause infertility or abortion.

Detection is by culture, which takes at least 6 days. Suspect colonies are typed by MALDI-TOF or further confirmed by PCR.

Collection procedure

Preputial wash is obtained by introducing 20-30 ml of buffered saline (PBS) into the preputial bag, massaging for 15-20 seconds and then withdrawing the fluid into a sterile specimen collection vessel (cup, syringe, tube). A minimum of 10 ml is required for the examination.

Smegma is collected by scraping, aspiration or artificial vaginal lavage (20-30 ml PBS) after semen collection.

Semen should be collected under aseptic conditions (if possible) and the sample diluted with PBS.

Cervicovaginal mucus is obtained by aspiration (using an insemination pipette) or by rinsing the vaginal cavity with 20-30 ml of buffered saline (PBS).

In the case of abortion, scrapings (liver, lung, stomach contents) and placenta may be examined.

Transport of samples

Samples must be processed on the day of collection. They should be transported at 4-10 °C and protected from light.

The laboratory must be informed in advance of the shipment of samples via collection lines to ensure timely delivery to the laboratory. If a large number of samples (>10) are to be sent, the laboratory should be informed at least 3 days in advance.


MVDr. Eva Patrasová
+420 770 147 408


MVDr. Ilona Parmová
+420 770 118 908


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General application form 0,1 MB Stáhnout
General application form 0,4 MB Stáhnout