Pre-mating examination

Pre-mating examination of dogs and bitches is very much in demand by breeders. It includes the diagnosis of the main bacterial pathogens that negatively affect the reproductive parameters of the breeding dog, i.e. Streptococcus canis, Pasteurella canis/multocida and Mycoplasma spp.


MVDr. Tomáš Černý
+420 770 118 912


Diagnosis of the pathogens is based on a combination of culture and molecular genetic examination of genital swabs (vagina, penis, foreskin).

After culture, we perform typing of microbial colonisation with identification of possible pathogens using the MALDI-TOF method.

It is also possible to test the susceptibility of the identified bacterial pathogens to antimicrobial agents.


MVDr. Eva Patrasová
+420 770 147 408


MVDr. Kateřina Kučerová
+420 770 118 907


Typ souboru Název Velikost
General application form 0,4 MB Stáhnout
General application form 0,1 MB Stáhnout


Which medium should I use for specimen collection and transport?

For culture testing of Streptococcus canis, Pasteurella canis/multocida and Mycoplasma spp. samples should be collected on Amies transport medium.

Samples for molecular genetic diagnosis (PCR) of mycoplasmas must be sent on a swab without activated charcoal.

What should be included in the request form?

In addition to the usual necessary information (owner, veterinarian, animal, etc.), it is important to indicate that the test is a pre-mating test. We will then look for sexually transmitted pathogens and Streptococcus canis proven/not proven will be marked on the protocol.

Please also indicate whether you require testing for mycoplasmas as these are only carried out on the explicit order of the sponsor. This is due to the cost of the PCR test and the longer culture time for mycoplasmas (7-10 days). We recommend that the owner's telephone number is also provided to arrange for any additional determination of the mycoplasma species.