FIV (Feline immunodeficiency virus)

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a member of the Retroviridae family. This virus is not very stable in the environment, so close contact between cats is necessary for transmission. The virus is transmitted by biting (saliva), sexual contact, intrauterine or via breast milk. FIV attacks the lymphoid tissues, leading to immunodeficiency and the development of chronic, difficult-to-treat secondary infections, neoplasia (lymphoma) and eventually complete immune system failure.


Testing options:

  • serological testing - immunochromatographic test
  • virological testing - RT-PCR


Virology and serology

MVDr. Roman Masopust
+420 770 118 901

Molecular biology

RNDr. Alexander Nagy, Ph.D.
+420 770 118 897

Molecular biology

Ing. Lenka Černíková, Ph.D
+420 770 118 896

Information and Results

Ester Kučerová
+420 251 031 302


Typ souboru Název Velikost
General application form 0,1 MB Stáhnout
General application form 0,4 MB Stáhnout