National reference laboratory for halogenated persistent organic pollutants in feedstuffs and foods
The NRL provides activities pursuant to 882/2004, cooperates with the EURL (CVUA Freiburg, Germany) for halogenated persistent organic pollutants, manages official laboratories, co-organises and participates in CT and conducts routine analyses of dioxins, furans, dioxin-like PCB, non-dioxin-like PCB, BFR, PFAS and CPs.
Technical equipment and methods:
- HRGC-HRMS Thermo Finnigan MAT95
- GC-MS/MS Agilent 7000B (trojitý kvadrupól)
- 2x GC-MS Agilent
- 4x GC-FID
- 3x GC-ECD
- 2x GC-NPD
- 3x LC-MS/MS AB Sciex 5500, 4500 a 2000 (trojitý kvadrupól)
- 3x HPLC-FLD (derivatizace Pickering)