Pathology and parasitology

The Pathology and Parasitology department conducts the testing of a wide range of farm, domestic, pet, exotic and wild animals for the needs of the state veterinary supervision as well as private entities.

The patho-anatomical autopsy of dead animals constitutes the first and fundamental step in comprehensive diagnosis of animal diseases and enables, in addition to other successive exams such as bacteriological, parasitological, virological or toxicological testing, to determine the degree of damage to the organism, the type of disease and the cause of death of the animal. For live animals, we do histopathological and cytological examination of biopsies (generally tumours), punctates and sediments. Under Section 21 of Act No. 36/1967 Coll., on experts and interpreters, the pathology site is authorised to conduct expert activity in agriculture (Vol. II).

The parasitology laboratory conducts complex diagnosis of internal/external parasites in various animal species (domestic/exotic/laboratory/wild) from clinical or autopsy specimens. In testing samples, conventional as well as novel methods are employed. The department comprises accredited laboratories to diagnose Echinococcus spp., Trichinella spp. a Varroa destructor. It also examines water, soil, grass and other substrates in the outdoor environment for the purpose of assessing their contamination with parasitical germs that are the source of animal infection or, where appropriate, are among zoonotic pathogens. The parasitology laboratory at SVI Prague manages the labs located in Český Brod and Příbram that provide testing of domestic pig muscle for the presence of Trichinella spp. larvae. The lab has long-term experience in specialised diagnosis of specific zoonoses and single-celled parasite groups, particularly those included in the genera of Cryptosporidium, Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma.


MVDr. Lada Hofmannová, Ph.D.
+420 722 772 524

Photo gallery



Ing. Ondřej Máca, Ph.D.
+420 770 119 013


MVDr. Ondřej Horák
+420 721 503 737

Parasitology results

Renáta Chadimová

Results of trichinella testing

Veronika B. Milotová


Results of pathology tests