Infectious laryngotracheitis

Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis is a contagious respiratory disease of poultry caused by a herpes virus. The natural host is the domestic chicken, but pheasants, guinea fowl, partridges, peacocks and young turkeys can also be affected.

The course of infection is variable, ranging from mild respiratory distress to severe respiratory infection and death. Clinical signs are most common in sexually mature poultry around 1 year of age. There is a decrease in egg production in laying hens, the birds are apathetic and will not accept feed. Conjunctivitis, sinusitis and purulent discharge from the eyes and nostrils may occur, as well as various severe respiratory signs such as dyspnoea, hoarseness, snorting and coughing and expectoration of mucus, sometimes with blood, hypoxia leading to cyanosis of the peripheral parts of the body (especially the crest and lobes). In severe cases, the mortality rate is up to 50%.


Testing options:

  • serological testing - ELISA

Virology and serology

MVDr. Jitka Horníčková
+420 604 917 488

Information and Results

Ester Kučerová
+420 251 031 302


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